Corporate Responsibilities

At The Rose and Crown Hotel Colchester, we recognise the social and environmental responsibilities that we carry on the behalf of our guests and our employees.

Our aim is to recruit local staff to support the local community as well as to reduce fuel emissions.

We are currently involved in participating in work experience for students as well as mentoring to schools in the locality. Whenever possible we will support local charities by giving complimentary meeting rooms.

Our commitment is to minimise the negative impact of the hotel on the environment.

Our Environmental initiatives

Food and Beverage
All of our kitchen oil is sent for recycling.
Bottles and glass are recycled via our own bottle bank.
We encourage kitchen and bar staff always to ensure that they only use dishwashers once fully loaded.

Have a towel usage policy in place, encouraging guests to re-use towels.
As much as possible we use biodegradable cleaning products.
As we refurbish the bedroom toilets, we install dual flush/low volume cisterns.
Bedroom televisions are switched off by our housekeeping staff (not on standby).

Reception / Administration
Re-use of envelopes and other paper for internal communication.
Use of email wherever possible to save on paper.
As a company we encourage our staff to have their input into environment initiatives, and every week there is an operational meeting to listen and discuss new views.

We adhere to the following security fixtures:

Hard-wired some detectors throughout the complex.
Fire extinguishers strategically placed throughout the staff areas and public areas.
Building emergency lighting tests carried out weekly.
Emergency evacuation plan.
Building complies with the fire laws.
Bedrooms have emergency information posted.
There are emergency doors in each floor.
Audible smoke alarms, and monitored on a weekly basis.
Key staff trained on first aid.